Nov 2023 Statewide Poll: Election Issues

Read the full report, see the full questionnaire, and download the poll’s cross tabs.

  • Voters have similar sentiments towards both parties when thinking about whether Republicans’ (30% move CO in the right direction; 35% dangerous) and Democrats’ (35% move CO in the right direction; 33% dangerous) ideas and policies generally move Colorado in the right direction or are dangerous. UAFs fall more in favor of Democrats than Republicans on each measure. In other electoral categories, UAFs stand:

    • +13 for Biden over Trump in a 2024 matchup,

    • +10 for the generic Congressional Democrat

    • 56% believe MAGA ideas and policies are dangerous for the state

    • and 39% believe Democratic Socialists’ ideas and policies are dangerous for the state.

  • 50% of voters think MAGA ideas and policies are dangerous for the state compared to 41% for the Democratic Socialists, though over a quarter of voters do think MAGA ideas and policies move CO in the right direction (18% for DSA policies). The generic ballot for Congress stands at D+5 (D 45% - R 40%), and on the presidential ballot Biden (45%) performs right at the generic Democrat's ballot share whereas Trump (36%) underperforms the generic Republican by 4-points (19% undecided). UAFs side with the generic Democrat and Biden by at least 10 points.

    • In a notable trend for the forthcoming campaign season, voters who are undecided in the generic congressional ballot appear to be more concerned about the ideological extreme on the right than the left: 49% say that the MAGA movement is dangerous for Colorado versus just 38% who say the same of Democratic Socialists.

  • There's not a lot of support for closed primaries with 64% of voters agreeing the UAFs should continue being allowed to vote in either major party's primaries.

    • Republicans are the most evenly divided on the issue with 48% agreeing UAFs should no longer be allowed to vote in either major party’s primary election unless they register with that party (44% agree the UAFs should continue being allowed to vote in either major party’s primaries).

  • Two-thirds of voters disagree that democracy is no longer a viable system.


Infographics for Nov 2023 Statewide Poll


Statewide - November 2023